BioMaurice Homepage biomaurice08 August 24, 2020
Promoting Awareness and Adoption of Biodegradable Plastic Bags in Mauritius

In today’s world, sustainability is a pressing global issue. With growing environmental concerns, individuals and organizations are actively seeking ways to minimize their ecological impact. One powerful solution gaining traction is the use of biodegradable plastic bags.

In Mauritius, a stunning island known for its breathtaking beaches and rich natural resources, the government and local initiatives are championing Biomaurice plastic bags – officially certified by the Ministry of Environment.

BioMaurice aims to heighten awareness about the significance of sustainability and the advantages of biodegradable plastic bags in Mauritius

Providing innovative solutions to environmental issues

Say goodbye to traditional, harmful plastic bags and hello to a greener future. Our biodegradable plastic bags provide a sustainable solution to one of the world’s biggest environmental problems. Support our mission to protect the planet and switch to biodegradable plastic bags today.
Collaborate with us

Be a part of the solution! Join us in our mission to create a greener and more sustainable future. By collaborating with, you can play a vital role in promoting eco-friendly lifestyles in Mauritius